Well we have survived the tornado of chaos that is “Black Friday.” Hopefully everyone still has all their teeth, hair and no black eyes. Come to think of it, that might be why it’s called black friday. So what do we do with Christmas shopping, now that we have spent all our money. We have some award winning advice for you.
Winning scenario number 1 – Some of you might have been smart enough to do some of your Christmas Shopping during this pandemonium of “outrageous savings.” Thinking about this, there are likely 2 kinds of people who used this as an opportunity to: A) Spend more on your loved ones as you have saved money on the gifts you planned on buying anyways; or B) Save your money, give them the gift you were going to give and pocket the savings. #notcool. I prefer option C) Give them the gifts they wanted, and then allow them the opportunity to donate the savings to a charity of their choosing. Win. Win. Win.
Winning Scenario number 2 – Spend some time researching what your kids or partners like. There are always little subtle hints that you can pick up on and then BOOM – you blow their mind with an awesome surprise like Criss Angel on Mindfreak. (He is a famous magician in case you live under a rock like me.)
Sometimes the hints are too obvious to ignore. “If I got those pair of earrings, I would just die.” Now guys, this sentence has two meanings to it. If you buy the earrings, you will make your wife very happy and will have succeeded at life. The other meaning, refers to the fact that if she doesn’t get them; she won’t be the one dying because you’ll already be dead. So make sure you pay attention. If you blindly reply “yes dear” you better have actually heard what you agreed to.
Winning Scenario number 3 – do not buy clothes or exercise equipment for your spouse. Unless they specifically ask for something, DO NOT “go out on a limb” on this one. You will only screw it up and end up living in the doghouse well into the new year. Again, if you paid attention, you should have some idea what to get her. If you haven’t been listening, go with something of sentimental value or an event that will give you some time together. This does not mean, buying her Oilers Tickets because you love hockey and want to take her with you. Unless she is in love with Connor McDavid, this will not fly. Plan a date night at her favourite restaurant and go to a Broadway play or something that she will appreciate. Put your pride aside and do it for her.
Now what to get those in-laws. This is tough, because no matter what you get for them, it will likely be wrong. But that’s okay, just continue to try and make it as thoughtful as you can. If you can’t win, you’ve had enough and you’re at your wits end; maybe this is where you give that piece of exercise equipment.
At the end of the day, you know you friends and family better than anyone. Putting some thought and effort into finding a gift that suits them and is authentic, will speak volumes. Go the extra mile and people will notice it. Buying them a gift card from the closest gas station, does not count as “thoughtful.” So do your best, that is all you can do.