Saskatchewan Health does not cover medical expenses that occur out of the country. In order to ensure that you do not have to pay out of pocket for medical expenses while travelling you need to purchase your coverage before you leave. Some examples of medical costs experienced in the US are:
– A 75 year old who experienced shortness of breath and stroke was hospitalized in Tennessee for 19 days. The medical bills totalled approximately $250,000 USD.
– A 69 year old who experienced a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm was hospitalized in Colorado for 14 days. The medical bills totalled approximately $516,000 USD
*Examples courtesy of Saskatchewan Blue Cross.
Saskatchewan Health does not cover medical expenses that occur out of the country. In order to ensure that you do not have to pay out of pocket for medical expenses while travelling you need to purchase your coverage before you leave. Some examples of medical costs experienced in the US are:
– A 75 year old who experienced shortness of breath and stroke was hospitalized in Tennessee for 19 days. The medical bills totalled approximately $250,000 USD.
– A 69 year old who experienced a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm was hospitalized in Colorado for 14 days. The medical bills totalled approximately $516,000 USD
*Examples courtesy of Saskatchewan Blue Cross.